I was raised to believe that education was the key to success. I've grown to learn that knowledge is the key to changing the world. Sustained by curiosity, imagination, and hope, I strive to use my education to contribute to the healing and collective advancement of our shared environment.
University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT — 3.9/4.0, Magna Cum Laude
- Master of Public Policy, Fast-Track | May 2021
- Bachelor of Arts, Cognitive Science & Anthropology | May 2020
Honors & Awards
- Honors Scholar
- Dean’s List: Spring ‘17–’20
- New England Scholar: ‘17–’20
- Presidential Scholars Award for Valedictorians and Salutorians
Donald L. McCullough Leadership Award
- NAACP UConn Chapter Activist of the Year
Fellowships & Societies
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars
- BOLD Women’s Leadership Network
Phi Beta Kappa
- Cohen Student Leadership Scholarship
- Helen Gurley Brown Fellowship

Research Experience
Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy | Allied Health Sciences | Rudd Center at UConn
Hartford, CT | Research Technician | June 2020–August 2020
- Researched policy implementation and organizational output for the Invest Health Hartford Health-Equity-in-All-Policies Audit led by Dr. Kristen Cooksey Stowers.
Analyzed and presented on the food insecurity data of UConn undergraduates.
Collected data and refined the protocol for Dr. Loneke Blackman-Carr’s “WellTalk” study on the cultural appropriateness of obesity intervention and nutrition/exercise programs.
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates at Yale University
New Haven, CT | Research Intern | June 2018–August 2018
- Conducted experiments, coded, analyzed, and presented data for primary investigators, Drs. Yarrow Dunham and Lisa Chalik in the Yale Social Cognitive Development Lab, and Dr. Laurie Santos in the Canine Cognition Center.
- Presented for the Yale Summer Internship Conference. Attended the New York University Pre-empting Racism workshop.
Experimental Anthropology Lab
Storrs, CT | Research Assistant| January 2018– June 2020
- Facilitated research design; collected, coded, and analyzed physiological and qualitative data for Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas
- Mentored new research assistants and assisted in their training on various methods, hardware, and software.
- Traveled to Brazil to collect data for the ‘Dynamics of fan’s experience during sports games; A study of Brazilian soccer
fans’ research project (funded by the Presidential Scholarship Enrichment Award).
Leadership Experience
Seaside Sounds Club (SSC)
Bridgeport, CT | Founder & Lead Organizer | March 2022
- Organized the Seaside Sounds for Environmental Justice community empowerment festival at Seaside Park in Bridgeport, CT featuring 30 statewide organizations and local vendors, three food trucks, and 9 musical acts.
Secured and led a $20,000 mini-grant project to advance environmental justice, community outreach, advocacy & research.
Connecticut Equity Now (CTEN)
Hartford, CT | Board of Directors & Policy Committee | January 2021–March 2022
Facilitate the structural and cultural development of CTEN via mission and goal setting and administrative processes.
Manage legislative advocacy efforts including drafting language,and engaging community and general assembly members.
UConn Collaborative Organizing (UCCO)
Storrs, CT | Founding President | August 2019
- Organized and (co)-led 15 major advocacy events, workshops, and grassroots movements for intersectional social and environmental justice in collaboration with 23 other organizations, engaging hundreds of students, faculty, and staff.
Recruited and led an executive board of six positions, delegating tasks according to project goal and magnitude.
Steered institutional policy/practice change regarding climate action, anti-racist efforts, and mental health services.
- Mentor new activists at UConn and the greater CT community, and provide assistance for their organizing when requested.

Storrs, CT | BOLD Scholar | January 2019-
- Independently conducted an anthropological study of Cross Cultural Engagement and Intersectional Activism Among UConn Affiliates
- Presented on research and BOLD, and participated in leadership development, a cohort project, and mentoring cohort two.
- Founded UConn Collaborative Organizing (UCCO)
Professional Experience
Creative Climate Co.
Remote | Founder and CEO
- Lead consultant helping creatives get climate savvy and climate professionals get creative.
CT Institute for Resilience and Cliamte Adaptation (CIRCA)
Avery Point, CT (Hybrid) | Environmental Justice Specialist (Consultant Contract)
- Coordinated engagement with the environmental justice community members the Mapping Tool Advisory Committee.
- Facilitated public forums by leading discussions, advising on forum structure and question development.
Office of the Governor & Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Office of the Commissioner
Hartford, CT (Hybrid) | Governor’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Advisor (Consultant Contract)
- Coordinated with state agencies, stakeholder groups, municipalities, and nonprofits, alongside the Governor’s Cabinet and the DEEP Commissioner’s Cabinet, to evaluate and modify critical programs & services for equitable implementation.
- Facilitated the pursuit of federal funds (ie. IIJA/BIL & IRA) to strengthen Connecticut’s infrastructure, job creation, and investment in clean energy, grid resilience, clean water & land, broadband, and climate resilience.
Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH) at University of Maryland
College Park, MD (Remote) | Helen Gurley Brown Fellow
- Coordinated community research, project execution, and manuscript writing for MD EJ Scorecard, Air Quality Monitoring, and Climate.
- Coordinated 2022 Symposium planning, grant research & writing, and policy technical assistance for regional EJ Coalition.
U.S Environmental Protection Agency with the University of New Hampshire Sustainability Institute
Washington D.C | Sustainability Fellow | June 2021–August 2021
- Consulted for the Stakeholder Engagement Branch on how to improve reciprocal engagement with environmental justice communities, environmental NGOs, and federally recognized tribes via internal practice evaluation and external research.
- Developed case-study reports and outreach implementation strategies for selected lead impacted communities.

Health Equity Solutions
Hartford CT | Policy Intern x Interim Outreach Specialist
- Coordinated successful outreach efforts to pass Senate Bill No. 1 - Public Act No. 21-35 and Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis
- Designed and hosted a two part webinar series and panel. Prepared for legislative sessions by consolidating information for grassroots partners and legislators, managing social media campaigns, and communicating action plans for partners.